Anywhere Self Care

Hey Hornets! To say that the last few weeks have simply been challenging would be the understatement of the century. Speaking for myself, all of the transition and rapid changes in response to COVID-19 have left me feeling anxious, sad, frustrated and sometimes things I wouldn’t even know how to name if I tried.

As someone who has always struggled with anxiety, I’ve been working harder then ever to keep myself balanced by practicing holistic self-care. What does that mean you might ask? It’s just a fancy way of saying that there are many layers to wellness outside of simply the mental and physical. Many of which may need some attention as we cope during crisis.

Not sure where to start? Sacramento State’s model of the 7 Dimensions of Wellness is a great place to learn more about the components of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. I challenge you to find a way to incorporate each dimension of wellness into your weekly routine to ensure you’re doing your part to help yourself through this period of change.

If you aren’t ready to take on anything new right now, that’s ok.  What isn’t ok is not asking for help if you need it or sliding into your 7th episode of Tiger King without making time to check in with you. Take a quick walk outside, do some coloring with your kids, call a friend to share how you’re feeling, or even look up a guided meditation online. Whatever you do, do something for you as often as possible that helps you feel centered, connected, and/or joyful.

Looking for a way to practice wellness AND feel connected to the Hornet family?? Look no further then the Virtual Out of the Darkness Walk taking place this Thursday, April 9th. Take some time out of your week to walk for a cause aimed at supporting those who have been impacted by suicide and loss. Taking care of our mental and emotional health is always important, but is more critical to be mindful of during a time like this.

For more ideas, check out these previous posts from the leadership blog for suggestions on how to take care of you this spring:

Workin’ on that Mental Fitness: Nurturing your Mental Health from Home 2 Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself This Year How to Be a Healthy Hornet!
Self Care Starter Kit: Spend this Valentine’s Day Taking Care of YOU! Why You Should Give Yourself Permission to Sleep

For more resources on mental health support for you or someone you believe may be struggling check out the information linked here.

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